2nd Test

13 janeiro 2023, 11:06 Hugo Castro Silva

Dear students,

As you know, our 2nd test will take place today, in room 0.65. The test starts at 15h45, so please be ready to get in the room before 15h40.

Below are some general instructions and indications for the test.

I'll see you later!

Regards, Hugo

Instructions for the test

  • You have 45 minutes to answer the questions, using what was taught in the course.
  • This is a closed-book test. You are not allowed to consult your own material or other resources.
  • Read all questions carefully before answering
  • Give brief and econometrically formal answers in the appropriate spaces. Ask for an additional sheet of paper if you need more writing space.
  • You cannot use calculators, computers, smartphones, nor any other kind of electronic equipment.
  • Fill in your student number in all sheets.
  • Any attempt to cheat or of otherwise dishonest practices will be punished with, at least, a zero grade in the relevant section.
  • If a question seems ambiguous or unclear, state simplifying assumptions that allow you to answer. Clearly state those assumptions.
  • The test is to be done in absolute silence.