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Final results

15 julho 2020, 14:42 João Manuel Gonçalves de Sousa Oliveira

The final results are available at the section "Results of the evaluation".

If you want to make some question about the marks of the WP or the OP, please send me an email to schedule a Zoom meeting (tentative date: Friday, 17/07, 11h00).

To improve the marks of the MT, an Oral Examination can be scheduled. Please send me an email before Friday (17/07) if you are interested.

Schedule for the oral presentations

25 maio 2020, 15:07

Written Project and oral presentations

20 maio 2020, 11:51

Results of the minitests

6 maio 2020, 14:17

2nd Minitest

17 abril 2020, 16:14

Corpo Docente

João Manuel Gonçalves de Sousa Oliveira

