
2ª Exame

3 fevereiro 2020, 14:19 José Fernando Alves da Silva

O 2º exame realizar-se-á na sala E8.

Exames e recuperações

13 janeiro 2020, 08:52 José Fernando Alves da Silva

A avaliação de EE é feita por testes eletrónicos, laboratórios e exames.

Os testes ao longo do semestre foram testes eletrónicos. A recuperação de um dos testes (na data do 1º exame) será feita por testes eletrónicos.
Não existe no regulamento de avaliação do IST a figura do "exame eletrónico". Consequentemente os exames de EE serão escritos, feitos em papel de prova próprio, com enunciado convencional fornecido pelo professor. Para resolver o exame não será permitido o uso de computador, ou tablet, ou smartphone.
Sobre material de consulta e procedimentos, mantêm-se válidas as regras listadas em anúncios anteriores.


24 dezembro 2019, 07:50 José Fernando Alves da Silva

Provisional grades have been published ( /1ºSemestre 2019/2020/Notas/Grades)

2nd test example with feedback

5 dezembro 2019, 16:38 José Fernando Alves da Silva

Example of a 2nd test with feedback:

Second electronic test

3 dezembro 2019, 10:28 José Fernando Alves da Silva

The second electronic test is scheduled to 18/12/2019 from 20:00 to 21:30, room E4, E1.

The 2nd test will include questions related to all aspects studied in Inverters and in DC-DC converters.
An example 2nd test will be posted in fénix for self-assessment purposes.

For the test, the student should have:
- a smartphone (best with a QR code reader), or a tablet or a laptop computer. Devices should have enough battery charge to be ON at least during 1.5 hours (use a power bank or the equipment charger and an extension cord);
- just one page with the needed handwritten equations (the electronic test questions will not show any formulas);
- a calculator (non programmable);
- blank paper sheets to write intermediate calculations, if needed;
- the student card or a suitable identification card with the student photo.
Each student will register in the room plan.

The student will fill a google-form with multiple choice answers, like in the theoretical/practical classes exercises (electronic test questions will not show any formulas).
To provide the answers, the correct theoretical concepts are needed, together with several calculations.
A personal token will be given to each student to enable the submission of the filled-in google-form. At the end of the test, students will receive by mail their score in the range 0-100.
Written papers or figures will not be accepted.

Although the course evaluation is officially "2 Electronic Tests", students with special requirements, willing to do the old kind of hand-written tests, must contact the teacher during the week 9-13 of december.