Preparation for 'Written'Examination - Q&A session 05/05 -15:00 and familiarisation with the Edx platform

4 maio 2020, 12:06 Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira

Dear students, 

In preparation for the upcoming 'written' evaluations, there will be a Q&A session tomorrow, 05/05, at 15:00.(I had to cancel the one originally planned for today..)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

The idea is that you go over the problems and exams from previous years and ask me about it.

Also, as mentioned before, the first mini-test will be on the 12th May, at 18:00. Before that , we will do a trial mini-test, this Friday 8th May at 14:30, to test the platform and such that you become familiar with it.

With that in mind, please read the guide_for_students, available under the tab 'Remote Evaluation'.

Kind regards,RSP