CoVid-19 - Online Lectures and new Course Planing

16 março 2020, 20:49 Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira

Dear students,
Owing to the Covid-19, some readjustments have to be made.
You can find in the Fenix page - section "Calendar" - the new provisional planning. All classes will be held online starting next Thursday 19/03. We will use the software provided by IST for online lectures. The links to join each lecture will be published on the course web page, here in the 'Announcements', no later than the day before. The link will request permission to install a small app (Zoom) on our computer or mobile phone. The supported platforms are PC Windows, Mac, Android and iPhone. We have only tested the windows and Mac platforms.
Any questions regarding the lectured subjects will be answered by email or by scheduling a video conference.

Stay safe, stay home,