
2nd Test - Grades

11 junho 2019, 16:35 João Baltazar

Dear students,

You may find the 2nd OWE test grades under the tab 'Grades':

The test revision will be on the 14th June at 12:00.

João Baltazar

Exam Resit - 5th July

4 junho 2019, 13:22 Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira

Dear students,

The resit Exam for the Offshore Wind Energy course will take place on the 5th July. The time of the day and exam room will be announced shortly.

Please note you may re-take the 1st part ( correspondent to the 1st test, on Aerodynamics) or the 2nd part (correspondent to the second test, on hydrodynamics). You may also re-take both parts, if you wish.

with kind regards,
Ricardo Santos Pereira   

Laboratory work - HDF Viewer

23 maio 2019, 17:11 João Carlos de Campos Henriques

Dear students,
As shown during the laboratory, the acquired data is stored in one HDF file (.h5). The standard HDF Viewer can be downloaded from the subsection "Laboratory|HDF Viewer" of the coarse web page. 
João Henriques


23 maio 2019, 11:27 João Baltazar

Dear students,

The 2nd test of the offshore wind energy course is scheduled for May 31st in the room C12 from 18h to 20h.
You can bring your notes, books, and personal computer.
However, internet access, cell phones and solved problems are not allowed.

João Baltazar

Laboratory works

14 maio 2019, 10:24 João Carlos de Campos Henriques

Dear students,

The laboratory tests will start tomorrow. The following shifts were booked in the laboratory:

  • Slot 2: 15 May - from 14h30 to 17h30
  • Slot 3: 16 May - from 14h00 to 17h00
  • Slot 4: 20 May - from 9h00 to 12h00
  • Slot 5: 20 May - from 13h00 to 16h00
  • Slot 6: 21 May - from 9h00 to 12h00   
  • Slot 7: 21 May - from 13h00 to 16h00

The work is to be performed in groups of 3 students. Please select your groups before register on the "Groups" section of the course webpage. If any group is not able to attend the laboratory within these shifts, please contact me by email.

The guide and additional files required for the laboratory assignment are available on the course web page at the "Laboratory" section.

The IST wave flume is located in the "Civil building", floor -2, as shown in the following file:

João Henriques