Conclusion, consolidation and discussion of past readings.
20 dezembro 2016, 10:00 • Carlos Lucas de Freitas
Conclusion, consolidation and discussion of past readings.
Methodologies. Different Research Designs - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis.
15 dezembro 2016, 10:00 • Carlos Lucas de Freitas
(longer class dos to the two unexpected official holidays)
Diamantopoulos 2001 - Index Construction with Formative Indicators - An Alternative to Scale Development
Salganik - Experimental Study of Inequality and Unpredictability in an Artificial Cultural Market
Sarvary 2011 - Network effects and personal influences- The diffusion of an online social network
chap12 Chapter Data Envelopment Analysis (+ chapter 2 Data Envelopment Analysis explained)
Thuring and Mahlke 2007 Usability, aesthetics and emotions
Kundu - A journey from normative to behavioral operations in supply chain management- A review using Latent Semantic Analysis
Ravaja - Spatial Presence and Emotions during Video Game Playing (+ Bradley - MEASURING EMOTION - THE SELF-ASSESSMENT MANIKIN AND THE SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL (SAM)
Sinkovics -Analysing textual data in international marketing research
ALL - Ch.16 Neuman - Writing the Research Report and the Politics of Social Research
Methodologies. Different Research Designs - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis
24 novembro 2016, 10:00 • Carlos Lucas de Freitas
(longer class)
Annotated Bibliographies - presentations and discussion.
17 novembro 2016, 10:00 • Carlos Lucas de Freitas
Annotated Bibliographies - presentations and discussion.
Neuman Ch 10 Survey Research
Maxwell ch7 - Designing a Qualitative Study
Student Presentations of their Annotated Literature Reviews
Methodologies. Different Research Designs - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis.
10 novembro 2016, 10:00 • Carlos Lucas de Freitas
Methodologies. Different Research Designs - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis.
Neuman Ch. 12 - Analysis of Quantitative data
Massey - A proposed model for the analysis and interpretation of focus groups in evaluation research
Thokala - Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis for Health Technology Assessment
Pawson - Theorizing the Interview (with support from Jacob Furgerson - Writing Interview Protocols and Conducting Interviews)
Slayton - Radical innovation in scaling up- Boeing Dreamliner socio-technical transitions
Krueger - Focus Groups (with support from Rabiee - Focus-group interview and data analysis)