
Conclusion, consolidation and discussion of past readings.

20 dezembro 2016, 10:00 Carlos Lucas de Freitas

Conclusion, consolidation and discussion of past readings. 

(This class was agreed with the students due to the unexpected reinstatement of two official holidays)

Methodologies. Different Research Designs - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis.

15 dezembro 2016, 10:00 Carlos Lucas de Freitas

(longer class dos to the two unexpected official holidays)

Diamantopoulos 2001 - Index Construction with Formative Indicators - An Alternative to Scale Development


Salganik - Experimental Study of Inequality and Unpredictability in an Artificial Cultural Market


Sarvary 2011 - Network effects and personal influences- The diffusion of an online social network


chap12 Chapter Data Envelopment Analysis (+ chapter 2 Data Envelopment Analysis explained)


Thuring and Mahlke 2007 Usability, aesthetics and emotions


Kundu - A journey from normative to behavioral operations in supply chain management- A review using Latent Semantic Analysis


Ravaja - Spatial Presence and Emotions during Video Game Playing (+ Bradley - MEASURING EMOTION - THE SELF-ASSESSMENT MANIKIN AND THE SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL (SAM) 




Sinkovics -Analysing textual data in international marketing research


ALL - Ch.16 Neuman - Writing the Research Report and the Politics of Social Research

Methodologies. Different Research Designs - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis

24 novembro 2016, 10:00 Carlos Lucas de Freitas

(longer class)

Neuman ch 13 - Field research

Neuman ch11 - nonreactive - content analysis - 

Validity reliability and applicability of psychophysiological techniques in marketing research

Neuman ch 4 - The Meanings of Methodology

Parasuraman Zeithaml - E-S-QUAL - A Multiple-Item Scale for Assessing Electronic Service Quality     (+SERVQUAL 1988- A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality)

Taylor Levitt   A New Model for Systemic Innovation Diffusion in Project-based Industries

Coughlan and Coghlan - Action Research for Operations Management + Bradbury-Huang What is good action research

Maxwell2 - Understanding and Validity in Qualitative Research

Ch.14 Historical Comparative Research

Annotated Bibliographies - presentations and discussion.

17 novembro 2016, 10:00 Carlos Lucas de Freitas

Annotated Bibliographies - presentations and discussion.

Neuman Ch 10 Survey Research

Maxwell  ch7 - Designing a Qualitative Study

Student Presentations of their Annotated Literature Reviews 

Methodologies. Different Research Designs - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis.

10 novembro 2016, 10:00 Carlos Lucas de Freitas

Methodologies. Different Research Designs - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis. 

Neuman Ch. 12 - Analysis of Quantitative data

Massey - A proposed model for the analysis and interpretation of focus groups in evaluation research

Thokala - Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis for Health Technology Assessment  

Pawson - Theorizing the Interview (with support from Jacob Furgerson - Writing Interview Protocols and Conducting Interviews)

Slayton - Radical innovation in scaling up- Boeing Dreamliner socio-technical transitions

Krueger - Focus Groups (with support from Rabiee - Focus-group interview and data analysis)