
Grades of the 2nd exam and final grades

21 julho 2022, 16:54 João Manuel Lage de Miranda Lemos

A pauta com as notas do 2º exame e o cálculo da nota final está disponível no Fénix.
Qualquer dúvida, sobre a nota do 2º exame ou sobre a nota final deverá ser comunicada ao prof. Miranda Lemos imediatamente.
Os alunos interessados em ver o 2º exame podem fazê-lo na próxima 2a feira, 25 de Julho, às 10h na sala 5.15 da Torre Norte. Após esta revisão as npotas serão lançadas e não haverá possibilidade de qualquer alteração.

Dear ECPD student
The table with the grades of the 2nd exam and the calculation of the final grade is available on Fénix.
Any questions about the grade of the 2nd exam or the final grade must be communicated to prof. Miranda Lemos immediately.
Students interested in seeing the 2nd exam can do so next Monday, July 25th, at 10 am in room 5.15 of the North Tower. After this review the grades will be sent to the Secretary and there will be no possibility of any changes.

Registration for exam 2

12 julho 2022, 10:52 João Manuel Lage de Miranda Lemos

If you want to attend the ECPD Appeal Exam (Exam 2), you must register with Fénix as soon as possible.
The rules are the same as for the 1st exam. You must deliver the exam on standardized paper and with all sheets stapled.

Laboratory grades

7 julho 2022, 16:08 Pedro Batista

Dear students,

The grades of the laboratory are available in the section Laboratory.

Best regards,
Pedro Batista

Exam 1 and 2 instructions

6 julho 2022, 11:22 João Manuel Lage de Miranda Lemos

Please stick to the following instructions for Exam 1:
The exam must be made in standard exam IST paper. Do not deliver isolated sheets of paper.
Bring a calculator that is able to perform basic scientific computations. You can bring a graphic calculator, but it is strictyly forbidden to store in it information concerning the course.
The exam is to be answered without consultation of any kind. The common sheet of paper with formulas is NOT allowed.
The duration of the problem is 2 hours. There are 4 problems that were extracted from the problems for self-study.
The minimum note for approval in the exam is 9.0 without any rounding (8.9 is NOT approved).
In the day of the exam, please go to the room indicated in Fénix and sit, as soon as the room is available.

Registration for the 1st exam of ECPD

14 junho 2022, 13:20 João Manuel Lage de Miranda Lemos

Registration for the 1st exam of ECPD is open until June 26th. All students interested in taking the 1st exam must register.
It is not guaranteed that unregistered students will be able to take the exam.