Métodos de Avaliação
This course is team-based and 85% of your grade will come from your team progress and final project.
The grading criteria are broken down as follows:
15% Individual participation. The base grade is the team’s grade that will be multiplied by factors that compares individual participation with the team’s participation (1 means same participation as the team). The factors are:
a) Written peer-to-peer comments provided throughout the semester, during class presentations in the course web platform
b) Attendance at each class
c) Timely viewing of ALL Udacity videos
d) Participation assessment from fellow teams members at the end of the course, (in the form of form filled by each team member assessing the relative participation of each team members performance and productivity throughout the semester).
40% Out-of-the-building Customer Discovery progress, as measured each week by
a) Quality and number of weekly interviews in course registered in the web platform
b) Weekly canvas updates in the course web platform
c) Quality and number of hypotheses created, tested, validated or invalidated as registered in the course web platform
d) Exceptional activity and perseverance in customer discovery (hard to get interviews, creative interviewers engagement, etc.)
e) Use of MVP, landing pages, digital marketing and other tools in the customer discovery process.
20% Team weekly “lessons learned” presentation. Team members may be called on randomly to present their team’s findings that week. The grading will take in consideration:
a) The number of interviews conducted that week (include on cover slide).
b) The detail and relevance on what the team did that week, including changes to Canvas.
c) If the presentation followed the assigned topics to be covered each week as outlined in the syllabus.
d) Creative contributions
25% Team final lessons learned presentation and video assessed by a panel of invited jurors including investors, entrepreneurs and professors.