
Opportunity plan development

25 março 2014, 09:30 Joana Mendonça

Development of projects, clarifying the oportunity exploration.

Business creation

20 março 2014, 09:00 Joana Mendonça

Guest Speaker: João Wemmans (WS-Energia)

Technology life cycle

18 março 2014, 11:00 Joana Mendonça

The life cycle of a technology-based business: Idea, Invention, Innovation, Start-up.


18 março 2014, 09:30 Joana Mendonça

Entrepreneurship Challenge presentation

Innovation: Empirical Evidence

13 março 2014, 09:00 Joana Mendonça

Innovation: empirical evidence at the international level.


The Community Innovation Survey and the European Innovation Scoreboard