Week 10, Class09: Final Lessons Learned Training
6 dezembro 2019, 11:00 • Luis Caldas de Oliveira
Help teams with:
- rehearsal of the final presentation
- video production
Week 10, Class09: Final Lessons Learned Training
3 dezembro 2019, 17:00 • Luis Caldas de Oliveira
- Final lessons learned presentation guidelines
- Team Name with initial idea and size of the opportunity
- Team members – name, background, expertise, and role on the team
- "Here was our original idea" — Version 1 of Business Model Canvas
- "So here’s what we did…"
- "So here’s what we found (reality), so then…"
- At least three iterations of Business Model Canvases
- "So here’s where we ended up."
- What did you learn?
- Do you think this is a viable business?
- Do you want to continue to pursue it?
- Appendix (every iteration of Business Model Canvas)
- Video storyboard
Week 9, Class08: Resources, Activities and Costs
29 novembro 2019, 11:00 • Luis Caldas de Oliveira
Help teams with:
- Analysis of findings on resources activities and costs
- Prepare customer interviews on the final business model
- Understanding the concept of storytelling
- Analyse the video storyboard
- Prepare final presentation
Week 9, Class08: Resources, Activities and Costs
26 novembro 2019, 17:00 • Luis Caldas de Oliveira
- Q&A: Storytelling
- Team presentation: Resources, Activities and Costs
- Lecture: Storyboard and Presentation Skills
- Team homework (before next class):
- Talk to 10-15 customers about the final business model
- Prepare 3 minute video
- Prepare final presentation
Week 8, Class07: Partners
22 novembro 2019, 11:00 • Luis Caldas de Oliveira
Help teams with:
- Analysis of partners interviews
- Formulate hypotheses on resources activities and costs
- Ways to validade the hypotheses on resources, activities and costs
- Development of the MVP
- Update narrative and canvas on the web