
Focus in SEA. Group work

10 novembro 2021, 11:00 Margarida Barata Monteiro

How to get focused in SEA? Explore and assessment of options.

Project groups - Options assessment. Follow-up. Relating the strategic assessment and project assessment: SEA-EIA link.

ST4S Methodology

10 novembro 2021, 09:00 Margarida Barata Monteiro

Methodology: Strategic thinking for sustainability in SEA. 

Critical Decision Factors. 
Exploring the ST4S methodology: key features? Groups feed-back

SEA models

3 novembro 2021, 11:00 Margarida Barata Monteiro

SEA models: strategic thinking and impact assessment. 

Role of SEA in decision-making.
What are major difference between the two dominant models in SEA? Groups feed-back.
Project groups - strategic focus in the spatial planning and urbanism case application

SEA basic concepts

3 novembro 2021, 09:00 Margarida Barata Monteiro

SEA basic concepts: strategy, complexity, systems thinking.

SEA in territorial and sectoral policy and planning instruments. 
When do we know we can use an SEA? Groups feed-back.

Introduction to SEA: case example

27 outubro 2021, 11:00 Margarida Barata Monteiro

Get introduced to the practice of SEA. 

Strategic and policy context in spatial planning and urbanism. Learning with a practical case.
Role of SEA in achieving the SDG: Groups feed-back
Project groups - strategically explore the spatial planning and urbanism project context - creating a larger picture in spatial planning and urbanism