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Welcome to Service Design 2022

4 março 2022, 11:36 Paulo Bala

Welcome to Service Design 2022!

In this course you will be introduced to the basics of Service Design (SD), and be able to apply it to a project brief using SD processes and models. Given the 7 week format (and considering the easter break in week 6), this is an intensive course; if you miss one week, this affects the rhythm of the class, the project and team work.



As a general discussion tool, we will use Discord where you can post your questions and meet up with colleagues. This is the invite link (expires in 30 days): 


If you need to contact us through email, please include all the lecturers so that we can coordinate the response:





Given the studio-based format of the class, we have requested a new schedule. This format was successful last year as it allows for longer blocks of time needed for the work and interaction with the lecturer(s).


- Lab Classes will all be on Monday, from 10:00 to 16:00, split into two 3 hour shifts. These shifts will be divided into time slots according to the number of teams, so that each team doesn’t need to be there for the full 3 hour shift.

- Theory Classes will be on Wednesday and Friday, from 8:00 to 12:00. Depending on their group availability, each team chooses only one of the days. Each day, this block is actually lecture + studio; the lecture is to learn about SD methods and models; the studio is to have time with the lecturer.

Please check https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/disciplinas/DSer/2021-2022/2-semestre/theory-amp-labs-schedule for a detailed breakdown of what activities will be done in each class. 


[Week 1]

The first week will be a bit different from other weeks. 

[Week 1 - Lab]

To kickoff the course, we ask that all students be present for Monday’s 10 AM class. We will give an introduction to the service design, what is expected for the course, evaluation, the project briefs, etc. This will be recorded and made available online after the class.

After this introduction (including the 3 potential briefs), we will start to form groups of 4, based on their availability for theory (wednesday vs friday), availability for labs (first shift vs second shift) and the project brief they want to tackle. 

Each complete team will then line up to be assigned a group number, and choose their availability. Wednesday and Friday need to be balanced in terms of groups; therefore, if the group has no preference, please indicate so that we can easily balance this division.

The remainder of the three hour shift will be spent working on the territory map (mapping of problem space) with the help of lecturers.

[Week 1 - Lecture]

Each team goes to their intended class on wednesday and friday. The beginning of class will be a lecturer on research methods used in SD, while the remainder of studio time will be used to discuss and write a hunt statement.

Corpo Docente

Valentina Nisi

