

17 novembro 2021, 15:14 Hugo Nicolau

Hi everyone,

Grades for project 2 are out! I would like to thank everyone for their commitment and effort on such a short design brief.

You can also check your final grade. Overall, the results were outstanding, which reflect the quality of your work. We obtained an average of 17 (SD=1).

I hope you enjoyed the course and had an enriching learning experience.


Grades Project 1

10 novembro 2021, 07:48 Hugo Nicolau

Hi everyone,

Grades from project 1 are out! I'm sorry it took longer than we expected but we had to do a lot of work cross-validating grades to make sure we were fair and consistent between studios. We expect grades for project 2 to be out much faster.

Overall, results are very good (avg. = 17, sd. = 2), which we believe reflect your effort, engagement, and commitment to the course. For any questions related to grades, please use office hours.


Friday Project Presentations

9 novembro 2021, 15:39 Hugo Nicolau


Teams 1, 2, and 4 will present their projects on Friday. These will take place in Informática II, room 0.19, between 2PM and 5PM.

You're all invited to participate. See you soon!

Peer Assessment - Project 2

9 novembro 2021, 11:13 Hugo Nicolau

Hi everyone,

As in the first project, please fill in your self- and peer-assessment by Friday:


Next Lectures and Attendance

25 outubro 2021, 16:48 Hugo Nicolau

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to do a quick recap of what's going to happen in the next lectures:
- Tue, Designing the Internet of Things
- Wed, From Multimodality to Human-Centered AI (Invited Talk, researcher from ITI/LARSyS)
- Tue, Interaction Design in Industry (Invited Panel, 3 people with different backgrounds from Mercedez, Visteon, and Nokia)

I would like to ask you all to ** attend (at least) the lectures with invited speakers **. We are asking these people to volunteer their time to come, share their experiences with you, and answer all your questions. Please make an effort to be there.