Últimos anúncios

Defense Thesis - Maciej Jakub Szram

7 julho 2022, 08:36 Edgar Caetano Fernandes


Master in Energy Engineering and Management

Title: The design and analysis of a prototype concentrated solar power installation with PV cells

Name: Maciej Jakub Szram

Student Number: 100820

Date: 12th July, 2022  at 11am (Lisbon Time)

Link (If Online)https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/84724162801

Defense Thesis - Pedro Rosado

7 julho 2022, 08:35

Defense Thesis - Pedro Rodrigues

7 julho 2022, 08:35

defense thesis- Joana Faria

7 julho 2022, 08:31

Defense Thesis of Giulio Caprara

27 junho 2022, 08:57

Corpo Docente

Edgar Caetano Fernandes

