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Invitation to join Global Game Jam 2025 at IST Taguspark

16 janeiro 2025, 14:13 Carlos António Roque Martinho

The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the world's annual largest game creation festival. This year, GGJ will take place on January 24-26. This is your opportunity to team up with fellow game developers, artists, designers, and enthusiasts to create innovative and unique games in just 48 hours.

You can find more information on the event and on how to register to participate from IST Taguspark at: https://labjogos.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ggj/2025/

Final grades (after review) are closed

12 novembro 2024, 15:56

Progression Design Lecture Substitution

30 outubro 2024, 20:47

Final grades and grade review session

28 outubro 2024, 15:12

Progression Design Lecture Substitution

24 outubro 2024, 17:39

Corpo Docente

Carlos António Roque Martinho



Carolina Luís Ribeiro Brás

Pedro Alexandre Simões dos Santos

Samuel Simão Canada Gomes