
Run-Time Environment Exercises

19 maio 2009, 10:30 Pedro Nuno Cruz Diniz

Run-Time Environment Exercises: Call graphs and call trees. Activation record structure and storage allocation

Run-Time Environment Exercises

18 maio 2009, 11:30 Pedro Nuno Cruz Diniz

Run-Time Environment Exercises: Call graphs and call trees. Activation record structure and storage allocation

Control-Flow Analysis and Loop Optimizations

14 maio 2009, 14:30 Pedro Nuno Cruz Diniz

Control-Flow Analysis; Control-Flow Graphs and Basic Blocks; Dominators and loop-invariance code motion.

Register allocation

13 maio 2009, 17:00 Jan Gunnar Cederquist

Interference graphs, live ranges, graph coloring, ...

Register allocation

13 maio 2009, 11:30 Jan Gunnar Cederquist

Interference graphs, live ranges, graph coloring, ...