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That's all !!

24 abril 2023, 09:32 Jacinto Carlos Marques Peixoto do Nascimento

My dear students,

The final grades are now available. I had to perform some cosmetic operations 😊 and now the grades are nice.

In the list I provided you can see all the evaluation components (MAP1, MAP2 and project). If you feel like having a look of the 2nd MAP, you are welcome o send me an e-amil and to arrange a meeting in my office.


I hope you liked the course and I wish all the best for you all  

Yours sincerely,


Project grades available !

19 abril 2023, 11:46

Schedule for the project discussion

12 abril 2023, 17:28

ZOOM meeting for the project

12 abril 2023, 08:49

Improving students performance

31 março 2023, 10:11

Corpo Docente

Jacinto Carlos Marques Peixoto do Nascimento

