
Grades of 1st Exam (available)

18 junho 2019, 18:27 S M Sohel Murshed

The grades of 1st Exam is available in fenix (section: Exams Grades/Notas do Exames). You can also see the grade directly from the following link:


Note that the review/checking will take place on 21 June 2019 at 15:30 in Room: V0.02. All information and rules regarding the review process is available in Section: Exam-Checking. 


FINAL list of students registered and room allocation for the Exam 1.

5 junho 2019, 12:26 S M Sohel Murshed

Here is the FINAL list of students registered and allocation of room for the Exam 1.  

70117António Maria Maia Marques Líbano Monteiro
75707Duarte Pinto Ascensão Pardal Monteiro
79667João Pedro Santos Varelas
Tomás Costa
Rafael Prata Afonso
Hans Nuno Koppensteiner
Stefan Sochirca
Vítor Pimentel Aguiar
Diogo Alberto Carvalho Duarte


70825Joana Pinto Saraiva
72463Diogo Bezold Rosner Fragoso
72651Miguel Filipe Neves Ribeiro
74202Lourenço Tavares Mozzicafreddo
75369José Marco Agrela Lourenço
76027Miguel Crugeira dos Santos
80901António Schiappa Pietra Vilela Lúcio
80936Xavier Calvão Borges Antunes Ferreira
81079Diogo Ferreira de Passos
81092Inês Gonçalves de Brito Fernandes
81296Maria Adriana Carvalho Vale da Silva
81374Jóni André Santo Bernardo
82452Vera Maria Guia Lucas
89206André Cacilhas Machado
89209Maria Oliveira Dias
94607Luana Marotti
84198Afonso Dias Nogueira Capelo Gonçalves
84206André António Vieira Lisboa
84221Bernardo Dias Macara
84235Diogo Manuel Gervásio de Almeida
84241Duarte Pereira de Araújo Coutinho
84249Francisco Baptista Romão Machado
84257Gonçalo Nuno Fernandes Madeira
84296Manuel Saias Tito de Morais Oliveira
84302Maria De Oliveira Loureiro
84304Maria Teresa Tavares Louro Correia Ramalho
84320Patrícia Alexandra Varela Pinto


49865Pedro José Fernandes Lopes
66442Fabricio Motta Matos
67761Diogo David Ferradosa Teixeira
67881Teresa Raquel Morais Teixeira Serrão Gomes
78677Vanessa Sofia de Jesus Faia
78977Francisco Duarte Alves da Costa Reis
79076Marta Góis Chilão Cordeiro da Rocha
79103João Guilherme dos Reis Gomes
80761Afonso Gonçalves Santinho Faísca
80944Andy Nicolas Lerens
81093Gonçalo Gil Dos Santos Cunha
81224Miguel Varela Pereira da Costa
81735Gonçalo Dos Santos Pereira
89207Beatriz Sousa Dias
94268Tiago da Branca Guerreiro
94349Colum Walter
84222Bruno Miguel Da Cruz e Silva
84234Diogo Henrique Gomes Ramos de Soveral Martins
84284José Miguel Da Vinha Pereira Penedos
84287José Pedro Rocha Maia
84314Miguel Patrik Jyllilä Sanches
84315Miguel Pereira Sampaio
84336Ricardo Júlio Ruas Pessoa Dinis
84544João Maria Pais de Vasconcelos de Herédia
84551Miguel Antunes de Almeida
84559Tomás De Sousa Machado Mendes
85231João Pedro Nunes Marques


38310Patrícia Isabel Silva Graça de Sousa Miranda
78217Duarte Nóbrega Tomásio Lopes Soares
78812Nuno Rafael Vilar Vasques da Costa Mendes
79052João Gaspar Cardoso Coelho da Silva
79169Ricardo Amaral Santos
80797José Miguel Outeiro Frederico Bento
80834Miguel Dias dos Santos
80905Ricardo Jorge Falcão Santos
81029Pedro Daniel Canuto Rijo
81619Miguel Filipe Azevedo Figueira
93820Cristiano Miguel Filipe Silva
93895José Pedro Rodrigues Andrade Correia
94010João Miguel Isento Martins
94515Leticia Isabela Romoda Ripi
84237Diogo Miguel Mesquita Roque
84254Francisco Xavier Penha Gonçalves Belmar da Costa
84259Guilherme Gomes dos Santos
84266Jaime Rafael Martins Pacheco
84290Lourenço Brás Monteiro Ascensão
84308Miguel Constantino Carmo Sousa
84335Ricardo João Capote Coelho
84346Rúben Alexandre Páscoa Ezequiel

List of students registered and allocation of room for the Exame 1

3 junho 2019, 15:57 S M Sohel Murshed

Here is the list of students registered and allocation of room for the Exam 1. Students who missed to register must email me ( requesting for their registration by tomorrow (4th June), otherwise you won´t be able to attend the exam.  

70117António Maria Maia Marques Líbano Monteiro
75707Duarte Pinto Ascensão Pardal Monteiro
79667João Pedro Santos Varelas
81258Rafael Prata Afonso
88129Stefan Sochirca
93801Diogo Alberto Carvalho Duarte


70825Joana Pinto Saraiva
72463Diogo Bezold Rosner Fragoso
72651Miguel Filipe Neves Ribeiro
74202Lourenço Tavares Mozzicafreddo
75369José Marco Agrela Lourenço
76027Miguel Crugeira dos Santos
80901António Schiappa Pietra Vilela Lúcio
80936Xavier Calvão Borges Antunes Ferreira
81079Diogo Ferreira de Passos
81092Inês Gonçalves de Brito Fernandes
81296Maria Adriana Carvalho Vale da Silva
81374Jóni André Santo Bernardo
82452Vera Maria Guia Lucas
89206André Cacilhas Machado
89209Maria Oliveira Dias
94607Luana Marotti
84198Afonso Dias Nogueira Capelo Gonçalves
84206André António Vieira Lisboa
84221Bernardo Dias Macara
84235Diogo Manuel Gervásio de Almeida
84241Duarte Pereira de Araújo Coutinho
84249Francisco Baptista Romão Machado
84257Gonçalo Nuno Fernandes Madeira
84296Manuel Saias Tito de Morais Oliveira
84302Maria De Oliveira Loureiro
84304Maria Teresa Tavares Louro Correia Ramalho
84320Patrícia Alexandra Varela Pinto


49865Pedro José Fernandes Lopes
66442Fabricio Motta Matos
67761Diogo David Ferradosa Teixeira
67881Teresa Raquel Morais Teixeira Serrão Gomes
78677Vanessa Sofia de Jesus Faia
78977Francisco Duarte Alves da Costa Reis
79076Marta Góis Chilão Cordeiro da Rocha
79103João Guilherme dos Reis Gomes
80761Afonso Gonçalves Santinho Faísca
80944Andy Nicolas Lerens
81093Gonçalo Gil Dos Santos Cunha
81224Miguel Varela Pereira da Costa
81735Gonçalo Dos Santos Pereira
89207Beatriz Sousa Dias
94268Tiago da Branca Guerreiro
94349Colum Walter
84222Bruno Miguel Da Cruz e Silva
84234Diogo Henrique Gomes Ramos de Soveral Martins
84284José Miguel Da Vinha Pereira Penedos
84287José Pedro Rocha Maia
84314Miguel Patrik Jyllilä Sanches
84315Miguel Pereira Sampaio
84336Ricardo Júlio Ruas Pessoa Dinis
84544João Maria Pais de Vasconcelos de Herédia
84551Miguel Antunes de Almeida
84559Tomás De Sousa Machado Mendes
85231João Pedro Nunes Marques


38310Patrícia Isabel Silva Graça de Sousa Miranda
78217Duarte Nóbrega Tomásio Lopes Soares
78812Nuno Rafael Vilar Vasques da Costa Mendes
79052João Gaspar Cardoso Coelho da Silva
79169Ricardo Amaral Santos
80797José Miguel Outeiro Frederico Bento
80834Miguel Dias dos Santos
80905Ricardo Jorge Falcão Santos
81029Pedro Daniel Canuto Rijo
81619Miguel Filipe Azevedo Figueira
93820Cristiano Miguel Filipe Silva
93895José Pedro Rodrigues Andrade Correia
94010João Miguel Isento Martins
94515Leticia Isabela Romoda Ripi
84237Diogo Miguel Mesquita Roque
84254Francisco Xavier Penha Gonçalves Belmar da Costa
84259Guilherme Gomes dos Santos
84266Jaime Rafael Martins Pacheco
84290Lourenço Brás Monteiro Ascensão
84308Miguel Constantino Carmo Sousa
84335Ricardo João Capote Coelho
84346Rúben Alexandre Páscoa Ezequiel

The rules for the exams (READ CAREFULLY)

27 maio 2019, 15:02 S M Sohel Murshed

1) The exams will consist of two parts:

     i) A theoretical part to be done without consulting any elements and without using any calculator devices that will be valued with 8.0 points (out of 20.0 points). This part is solved in the statement itself; hence, students can have only a pen and a couple of spotless sheets of paper on their desks;

     ii) A practical part to be done with consultation limited to book(s) and/or theoretical lecture notes and using a calculator device (that cannot have means to communicate with the outside) that will be valued with 12.0 points (out of 20.0 points). It is not allowed to consult problems solution books or the notes / problems of practical classes as well as solutions of listed problems. No solutions of problems can be written inside any book or notes.

2) Students will receive the problems statement after giving back the resolved theoretical part. 

3) Giving up can only occur 1h after the test beginning and after giving back the theoretical part. Students that want to give up must deliver also a blank sheet with their name and number and stating “I GIVE UP”.

4) It is absolutely forbidden to have turned on any electronic device that allows you to communicate with the exterior or interior space (mobile phones, tablets, iPads, iPods, etc.). They MUST BE TURNED OFF. The only allowed electronic device (for practical part only) is a standard calculator without any communication system. 

5) Other than inbuilt scientific/calculating/statistical functions it is forbidden to carry any textual content and formulae in the calculator. Students having programmable/advanced calculator must ensure that no textual content and formulae by using the “reset” button of the calculator or by removing battery or else way.

6) It is not allowed to leave the room during the exam (except for giving up – see point 3).

7) Registration for the exams is compulsory, which is done through the Fenix system.

Part I-III: Detailed content and references+Answers for Problems(Part I-II)

26 maio 2019, 00:53 S M Sohel Murshed

Dear Students,

Detailed content and biographical references for Part I-III are posted in Fenix (Section:Theoretical lectures ). You can also see it from the below link:

Also answers for problems of Part I&II are uploaded in Fenix (Section: Problems for lectures ). You can also see it from the below link: