Exam 2 grades are out! Exam revision 02.03
25 fevereiro 2022, 13:06 • Aleksandar Ilic
The exam 2 and final grades are out (see the Evaluation page)!
The Exam 2 revision is scheduled for Wednesday (02.03) at 10h00, room: LSD2 (Lab).
Exam 2 subscriptions are open!
18 fevereiro 2022, 09:28 • Aleksandar Ilic
Exam 2 subscriptions are now open on Fenix.
Exam 1, Lab and Final grades are out! Exam review 03.12
30 novembro 2021, 18:54 • Aleksandar Ilic
The lab, exam 1 and final grades are out (see the Evaluation page)!
The Exam1 review is scheduled for Friday (03.12) at 11h00, room: LSD2 (Lab).
Lab 3 assignment + Lab class on Monday
29 outubro 2021, 12:57 • Aleksandar Ilic
Lab 3 assignment is posted in Lab section. Deadline: 14.11.2021
Our lab class on Monday falls on 1st of November (holiday). As such, the lab groups from Monday should remotely appear via Zoom on Tuesday (slot: from 16h30 to 19h30). If you are unable to attend the lab session in this slot, please contact me via email.
Lab 2 Assignment [UPDATE: 18.10]
15 outubro 2021, 17:35 • Aleksandar Ilic