
Exam 2 grades are out! Exam revision 02.03

25 fevereiro 2022, 13:06 Aleksandar Ilic

The exam 2 and final grades are out (see the Evaluation page)! 

The Exam 2 revision is scheduled for Wednesday (02.03) at 10h00, room: LSD2 (Lab).

Exam 2 subscriptions are open!

18 fevereiro 2022, 09:28 Aleksandar Ilic

Exam 2 subscriptions are now open on Fenix. 

Deadline: 22.02.2022 at 23h59

You should subscribe in order to be able to assist the exam.

Exam 1, Lab and Final grades are out! Exam review 03.12

30 novembro 2021, 18:54 Aleksandar Ilic

The lab, exam 1 and final grades are out (see the Evaluation page)! 

The Exam1 review is scheduled for Friday (03.12) at 11h00, room: LSD2 (Lab).

Lab 3 assignment + Lab class on Monday

29 outubro 2021, 12:57 Aleksandar Ilic

Lab 3 assignment is posted in Lab section. Deadline: 14.11.2021

Our lab class on Monday falls on 1st of November (holiday). As such, the lab groups from Monday should remotely appear via Zoom on Tuesday (slot: from 16h30 to 19h30). If you are unable to attend the lab session in this slot, please contact me via email.
You can find the Zoom link in Lab section (to be used for remote participation).

Lab 2 Assignment [UPDATE: 18.10]

15 outubro 2021, 17:35 Aleksandar Ilic

Lab 2 assignment is posted in Lab section. Deadline: 31.10.2021
[UPDATE: 18.10] Kit for Lab2 is updated - there was a "bug" in the pdf file, which is now corrected. Please, consider the latest version (pdf has only one "part 3" which refers to the individual report) 
You can also find there the Zoom link, which you should use for remote participation.