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Exam reviewing dates

14 janeiro 2020, 12:03 Nuno Santos

Dear students

I'd like to inform you that the exam reviewing (aka revisão de exame) will take place in the following dates and places:

  • Tagus: Thursday, 16 January, 11:00-12:00, room 2N3-1
  • Alameda: Thursday, 16 January, 16:00-17:00, INESC-ID (room 503)

The exam questions can be found in the "Course Material" section.

The grades of the 1st exam will be published soon. Stay tuned.


Lab grades

22 dezembro 2019, 18:54

Lab 3 discussions

10 dezembro 2019, 17:57

Lab 3 deadline

10 dezembro 2019, 17:22

Lab 3 assignment is out!

25 novembro 2019, 23:23

Corpo Docente

Nuno Santos



João Tiago

Tiago Luís de Oliveira Brito