Theory class slides
- Class 01 - Introduction
- Class 02 - Legal Framework
- Class 03 - Digital Investigation Process
- Class 04 - Evidence Acquisition
- Class 05 - File Forensics
- Class 06 - Steganography and Watermarking
- Class 07 - Memory Analysis
- Class 08 - Storage and Volume Analysis
- Class 09 - File System Analysis Techniques
- Class 10 - File Carving and Timestamp Analysis
- Class 11 - Evidence in Operating Systems
- Class 12 - Traffic Analysis
- Class 13 - Investigation of Computer Networks
- Class 14 - Email and Web Forensics
- Class 15 - Online Anonymity
- Class 16 - Botnets
- Class 17 - Rootkits and Malware Analysis
- Class 18 - Cryptocoins
- Class 19 - Wireless Networks
- Class 20 - Mobile Forensics
- Class 21 - File System Interpretation
- Class 22 - Case Studies on File System Analysis
- Class 23 - Cloud Forensics and Conclusions
Lab guides
- Tutorial 1 - Introduction to Forensic Tools
- Tutorial 2 - Introduction to Cyberforensic Investigations
- Tutorial 3 - Introduction to File System Forensics (able2.dd, able_3.dd)
Lab assignments
- Lab1 - The Mole Affair (, report template)
- Lab2 - Ransomware on Halloween (sally_mem, sally_disk,, report template)
- Lab3 - Traffic Analysis (report template) ASSIGNMENT UPDATED, Exercise 1.2.4 amended (10th December)!
Exams from current and past years
- 2018/19 - 1st Exam
- 2017/18 - 2nd Exam
- 2017/18 - 1st Exam
- 2016/17 - 2nd Exam
- 2016/17 - 1st Exam
- 2015/16 - 2nd Exam
- 2015/16 - 1st Exam
- 2015/16 - Sample Exam
- csf1718-1-01-introduction.pdf
- csf1718-1-02-legal_framework.pdf
- csf1718-1-03-digital_investigation_process.pdf
- csf1718-1-04-evidence_acquisition.pdf
- CSF201819-Tutorial1.pdf
- csf1718-2-02-steganography_and_watermarking.pdf
- csf1718-2-01-file_forensics.pdf
- CSF201819-Tutorial2.pdf
- csf1718-2-03-memory_analysis.pdf
- csf1718-2-04-storage_and_volume_analysis.pdf
- csf1819-lab1.pdf
- csf1819-template-digital-forensics-report.docx
- csf1718-2-05-file_system_analysis_techniques.pdf
- csf1718-2-06-file_carving_and_timestamp_analysis.pdf
- csf1718-2-06-file_carving_and_timestamp_analysis.pdf
- csf1718-2-05-file_system_analysis_techniques.pdf
- CSF201819-Tutorial3.pdf
- csf1718-2-07-operating_system_forensics.pdf
- csf1819-template-report-lab2.docx
- csf1718-2-08-traffic_analysis.pdf
- csf1718-2-09-investigation_of_computer_networks.pdf
- csf1819-lab2.pdf
- csf1718-2-10-email_and_web_forensics.pdf
- csf1718-3-01-online_anonymization.pdf
- csf1718-3-03-rootkits_and_malware_analysis.pdf
- csf1718-3-02-botnets.pdf
- csf1819-template-report-lab3.docx
- csf1718-3-04-cryptocoins.pdf
- csf1718-3-05-wireless_networks.pdf
- csf1718-3-07-file_system_interpretation.pdf
- CSF201819-Lab3-fixed.pdf
- csf1718-3-06-mobile_forensics.pdf
- csf1718-3-09-cloud_forensics_and_conclusions.pdf
- csf1718-3-08-case_studies_on_file_system_analysis.pdf
- CSF201819-e1.pdf