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Vodafone Talk in the RMSF class, today, 24th May, 17:00: IoT and 5G

24 maio 2021, 11:39 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

Today, we will have a Vodafone talk in the RMSF class. Feel free to join.
The structure of the talk is the following:

- Introduction to 5G (Augusto Miguel Silva - Telecommunications Engineer, NW- Own Network Design & Planning)
- IoT Technology (Jorge Carvalho - Manager Enterprise Network Solutions)
- Customized Solutions: Vodafone Uses Cases (Pedro Nunes - IoT Sales Account Manager)
- Q&A

The Zoom link is the following:

CSC Grades

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Q&A delay

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Corpo Docente

Carlos Ribeiro



António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

Simão Gonçalves Eusébio