
SEAL: Parsing of files with multiple consecutive cyphertexts

9 dezembro 2020, 16:26 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

While the students had been advised (based on our experience in 2019) that the Cyphertext::load() method would only work if the file to be read had a single cyphertext in it, Gonçalo Mão-Cheia has discovered that these functions are now ready to parse a sequence of cyphertexts automatically. As such, it will spare the trouble of saving each cyphertext in a separate temporary file before loading.

Project: DELETE and SELECT MULT operations

5 dezembro 2020, 22:58 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

Since the server cannot decrypt the result of comparison operations, the DELETE command cannot be implemented as described in the guide. Instead, it will be replaced by two simple operations:

- SELECT LINE linenum FROM tablename
- DELETE linenum FROM tablename

As to the SELECT MULT operation, you don't need to implement it. The main reason is that the large number of multiplications causes the noise budget to decrease too fast. Anyway, it is structurally very similar to the SELECT SUM operation, so the implementation difficulty would be the same. 

China deu passo importante no desenvolvimento de computadores quânticos

5 dezembro 2020, 22:04 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

Project Guide: new version

4 dezembro 2020, 14:34 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

A new version was uploaded with some simplifications to the set of SQL-like commands. The "TEXT" data type was removed. All values in the DB are now integer numbers, which will simplify the processing. 

Project Guide: new version

3 dezembro 2020, 15:48 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

A new version of the guide was published, making some corrections and providing information and useful hints (actually, a refresher from the Digital Systems course =)) on how to build a logical comparator.