
Watts & Strogatz small-world networks & SF properties (Part I)

1 outubro 2018, 14:00 Francisco Correia dos Santos

Topics: Watts & Strogatz paper on Small-world networks (Nature, 1998), dependence on the clustering and average-path length, Homogeneous-small worlds and rewiring of networks without altering the degree dist.See also Newman's review, The Structure and Function of Complex Networks, and search for the Watts-Strogratz small-world model. 

Problem set 1

28 setembro 2018, 15:30 Alexandre Francisco

Exercises about the concepts discussed in classes 02 and 03. Tools for network analysis, namely  Gephi.

Network representations and measures

28 setembro 2018, 14:00 Alexandre Francisco

Efficient and compact data structures for large graphs. Analyzing large graphs: common problems, brief overview of algorithms and data structures. Examples: finding connected components, determining and counting neighborhoods, APL, and clustering coefficient computation.

Problem set 1

24 setembro 2018, 15:30 Alexandre Francisco

Exercises about the concepts discussed in classes 02 and 03. Tools for network analysis, namely   Gephi.

Random graphs

24 setembro 2018, 14:00 Francisco Correia dos Santos

  • Topics discussed: Stanley Milgram experiments, the Erdos-Renyi model, Erdos number, Average degree, degree dist., clustering coeff. of a ER graph, scaling of the maximum degree, the emergence of a giant component in random graphs.