Últimos anúncios

Project presentation

8 maio 2024, 19:28 Chrysoula Vlachou

  • The oral presentations of the projects will be on Wednesday the 29th and on Friday the 31st of May during the lecture hours.
  • There will be a Doodle soon to fill in with the available presentation slots that the groups can choose.
  • It is ok if more than one groups choose to solve and present the same project.
  • There is no report related to the projects; you only have to present your implementation.

Project List

17 abril 2024, 10:51

Office hours (Paulo)

20 março 2024, 15:48

Office hours (Chrysoula)

13 março 2024, 16:40

Change of room on Wed

27 fevereiro 2024, 16:43

Corpo Docente

Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus



Chrysoula Vlachou