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Project - oral discussion MEIC

23 maio 2016, 12:04 Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus

Student from MEIC have to finish their oral discussions this week. 

So this Doodle is only for MEIC students to choose their oral discussion at Alameda - room P13. 

Students that cannot come to Alameda will discuss their projects at Tagus on May 24, during the lecture. These students do not have to fill the Doodle.

Project delivery

21 maio 2016, 21:49

Exams from previous years

12 maio 2016, 12:36

Exams from previous years

12 maio 2016, 12:36

Exams from previous years

12 maio 2016, 12:36

Corpo Docente

Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus



Filipe Manuel Rodrigues Casal