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Changes of groups for practical classes

1 março 2018, 11:53 Célia Maria Santos Cardoso de Jesus

Students that are enrolled in the Group of Thursday and  for whom it is possible to change to the Group of Wednesday are asked to send me an email ( I will make this change in fenix). 

This is important to make  groups better balanced and to make it possible to have enough space for every student answer the Quizzes in a single table.

Thank you  for your cooperation

Célia Cardoso de Jesus

Dates for Quiz #1

27 fevereiro 2018, 15:29

Beginning of Practical Classes and Enrollment in Groups

19 fevereiro 2018, 16:49

Welcome to Control and Optimization of Power Systems

29 janeiro 2018, 15:01

Corpo Docente

Luis Marcelino Ferreira



Célia Maria Santos Cardoso de Jesus