
problem class #14

28 maio 2015, 09:30 Célia Maria Santos Cardoso de Jesus

End of resolution of problem 13. Resolution of problem 14.

Resource coordination and revisions

28 maio 2015, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Review of primal problem and dual problem in the context of resource scheduling

Economic interpretation

Review of concepts of reserve and capacity: sources and requirements

Costs for reserve and capacity

Problem 12

Water value -- marginal costs and non-marginal

Water value as a function of reservoir location and reservoir volume

Water value for a weekly scheduling: constant value, non-constant, zero value -- interpretation in view of water constraints

Water value interaction between short-term scheduling and medium-term scheduling

Qualitative differences with respect to investment planning

problem class #14

27 maio 2015, 14:00 Célia Maria Santos Cardoso de Jesus

End of resolution of problem 13. Resolution of problem 14.

Hydrothermal coordination and scheduling of a complex dynamic resource

26 maio 2015, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Hydrothermal coordination

Empiric principles for coordination

Hydro and load peak-shaving

Example of hydrothermal coordination

Marginal value of water and total value of water

Relationship between gamma and lambda

Practical class #13

21 maio 2015, 09:30 Célia Maria Santos Cardoso de Jesus

End of resolution of problem 11. Beginning of Resolution of problem 13 .