
Augmented Reality (online class)

4 junho 2021, 15:00 João Coelho Garcia

Augmented Reality
Paper presentation:"When IoT met Augmented Reality: Visualizing the Source of the Wireless Signal in AR View"

Augmented Reality (online class)

4 junho 2021, 11:00 João Coelho Garcia

Augmented Reality
Paper presentation:"When IoT met Augmented Reality: Visualizing the Source of the Wireless Signal in AR View"

Project Discussions (online class)

2 junho 2021, 18:00 Luís Pedrosa

Project Discussions

Internet of Things (online class)

2 junho 2021, 16:30 João Coelho Garcia

Internet of Things
Paper presentation:"RFID Technology for IoT-Based Personal Healthcare in Smart Spaces"

Project Discussions (online class)

2 junho 2021, 15:00 Luís Pedrosa

Project Discussions