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Project report submission

17 maio 2019, 15:52 Nuno Santos

Dear students

As requested by your delegates, you have one more day to work on your project report: the deadline for the submission of the project report is Saturday, May 18th, 23h59.

Note that the deadline for the submission of the project source code has been unaltered.

As a result of this change, we kindly ask you to submit the project source code and the project report independently. We have opened separate submission forms for each part.

One final note: Please DO NOT upload RAR files! Stick to ZIP files only! I won't read RAR files!


Project demonstrations next week

15 maio 2019, 11:23

Project report template

13 maio 2019, 10:08

Lab classes in Alameda this week

25 março 2019, 09:59

Invited Speaker Monday March 11th, 9:30: GUI design for Android

9 março 2019, 09:08

Corpo Docente

João Coelho Garcia



Nuno Santos