
Context-Awareness II

15 março 2019, 15:00 João Coelho Garcia

Context-Awareness II: platforms for context sensing, processing and distribution Paper Presentation: Radiator - efficient message propagation in context-aware systems.Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. April 2014, 5:4.

Context-Awareness II

15 março 2019, 11:00 João Coelho Garcia

Context-Awareness II: platforms for context sensing, processing and distribution Paper Presentation: Radiator - efficient message propagation in context-aware systems.Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. April 2014, 5:4.

Lab III - Multithreading and Storage in Android

14 março 2019, 12:30 Nuno Santos

Multithreading and storage in Android.

Introduction to Mobile Interface Design

13 março 2019, 18:00 Nuno Santos

Invited lecture on mobile interface design, by prof. Daniel Gonçalves.

Context-Awareness I

13 março 2019, 16:30 João Coelho Garcia

Context-Awareness I: definition of context information and its importance, types of sensors Paper Presentation: A survey of mobile phone sensing. Lane, N.D.; Miluzzo, E.; Hong Lu; Peebles, D.; Choudhury, T.; Campbell, A.T. Communications Magazine, IEEE , vol.48, no.9, pp.140,150, Sept. 2010