
Mobile Interfaces

8 março 2017, 17:00 Rodrigo Bruno

Mobile Interfaces (by prof. Hugo Nicolau)

Motivation and Vision of Ubiquitous Computing

8 março 2017, 15:30 Paulo Jorge Pires Ferreira

Notion of invisible computing and challenges (context, mobile users and devices, need for adaptability, discovering and using available resources, replication and synchronization, battery usage, security risks and solutions).

Motivation and Vision of Ubiquitous Computing

8 março 2017, 09:30 Paulo Jorge Pires Ferreira

Notion of invisible computing and challenges (context, mobile users and devices, need for adaptability, discovering and using available resources, replication and synchronization, battery usage, security risks and solutions).

Mobile Interaction Design

7 março 2017, 08:00 Nuno Santos

Mobile interaction design. Android user interfaces.

How to give a talk

3 março 2017, 15:00 Paulo Jorge Pires Ferreira

Guidelines for making the slides and give a talk.