Cell - Quality Control Group

19 março 2015, 18:20 Carlos Cardeira

Dear students,

I transmitted to the cell manager the information that there is the possibility of having another group in the cell. It is the "Quality Control" group.  The work is based on a structure that is available to cover one section of the conveyor. The structure (see figure 3 of the link bellow) has its own illumination as well as a camera to acquire images to be processed. The goal of this work is to make an automatic visual inspection of the parts. The supervision system should be informed if the produced part passed the quality control or not.  Only geometric and color constraints should be checked. Parts that did not pass the quality control should be rejected and not assembled in the final model.

Students that were forced to go to SIMIO and would prefer do the manufacturing cell project have now this choice and should contact the manager. Some knowledge or willingness to learn image processing (as a user) is required.

The quality control setup is shown in figure 3 of https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3019731/ResumoRafaelBaeta.pdf