Computer Graphics for Games Workshop Final Date

3 fevereiro 2020, 12:23 Carlos António Roque Martinho

Based on your feedback, the Computer Graphics for Games workshop will take place on Wednesday February 5th, at 3PM (room 0.13). The projects that have confirmed their presence at the workshop are the following (in alphabetical order):

  • "Coconut Island - Coral Reef", presented by Marcos Pêgo.
  • "Interactive Solar System", presented by Tornstein Nesheim.
  • "Shattered Glass", presented by João Patrício.
  • "Voxel Worlds", presented by André Leite.
The idea of the workshop is for you to share what you learned during your projects with your colleagues from other teams. You do not need to prepare anything special, just bring the demonstration video you submitted for your final assignment to discuss your project. Of course you are welcome to prepare additional material if you feel so inclined!

You are, of course, all invited to be present at the workshop and learn from your colleague's experience. And more, if you want to present your work at the workshop on February 5th and are not listed above, just send me an e-mail to let me know. We will find time to listen to your presentation. The doodle's aim was to agree on a date for the event, not to limit participation. Finally, I just want to strengthen that this has no impact on grading and that participation is voluntary.

Looking forward to see you at the Workshop!