Últimos anúncios


30 junho 2023, 17:33 Nuno Santos

Dear students

I've just published the seminars, 1st exam, and course grades. Please check them out in the section "Grades" on this website. Feel free to contact me in case you detect any problems.

If you wish to review your exam or discuss anything related to your grades, please email me by next Tuesday, 4th of July.

Lastly, if you wish to repeat the exam, whose second round is scheduled for July 13 at 19h, please get in touch with me until Friday, July 7. You can repeat it to improve your previous exam grade (the best one counts).

Important! If I don't receive any requests from you expressing your wish to repeat the exam, I will not roll out the 2nd exam.

If I don't have any chance to see you, I'd like to wish you all an excellent summer vacation and all the best for the future!

Invited talk: Vitor Ventura

20 maio 2023, 10:46

Invited talk: António Pimentel

16 maio 2023, 17:43

Invited talk: Dr. Rogério Bravo

11 abril 2023, 11:09

No class tomorrow

8 março 2023, 09:55

Corpo Docente

Nuno Santos



David Rogério Póvoa de Matos