Últimos anúncios

CEE theory lectures

18 março 2020, 13:45 João Manuel Lage de Miranda Lemos

Tuesday theory classes will star at 8:30 on tuesdays (30 minutes after the usual time) and will last 1h00. The code is https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/819414729
Friday theory classes after 27 March will start at the usual time 11h00 and last 1h00 hourThe code is https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/971707002

See also the next announcement for the lecture of friday 20 March

Next class Friday 20 at 12h00.

18 março 2020, 13:29

CEE - Novo método de avaliação - New assessement method

16 março 2020, 12:33

Problem classes and office hours

14 março 2020, 22:15

Avaliação de CEE na sequência do COVID - Student evaluation in CEE due to COVID

12 março 2020, 13:54

Corpo Docente

João Manuel Lage de Miranda Lemos

