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Second exam - February 5th

25 janeiro 2021, 20:44 Cláudia Antunes

The second exam is going to happen on the February 5th as determined before, ONLINE,  through the Google Classroom platform.

The exam will be only accessible through the Data Science Google Classroom (link in the Support Material section) - the same class used to submit the project scheduling in the beginning of the semester.

In order to warrant that you have access to the  exam, please fill the Trial Test already available in the same platform and class, before Friday night. If you do not receive the response receipt after submitting your form, post a comment on the class wall. If you do not have access to the  class, please email me as soon as possible.


The exam will:
- follow a multiple choice structure covering all the topics studied:
- provide a pdf file describing the data to analyse
- provide a Google Form with the sets of questions to answer.

Students may use a native calculator but no other material (namely webpages, videos, books, any other files).

In order to do the exam, students have to:
- to sign a code of honor before starting the exam
- to have a webcam connected during all the exam
- to show their identification (with photo) when required
- keep without exchanging any messages, except with teachers assisting in the exam.

Please re-check these instructions on the February 4th, in order to warrant that there is nothing new.

Stay safe :-)

New date for Exam revision

25 janeiro 2021, 15:10

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EXAM - today

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Corpo Docente

Cláudia Antunes



André Patrício

Francisco Faria Barata