
Today's lesson

16 novembro 2020, 08:27 Cláudia Antunes

Today there is no video to watch. The lecture is going to start at 11:30, as  usual.

Project review - 2nd chance

12 novembro 2020, 17:02 Cláudia Antunes

In the  last lesson, I announced the possibility of each team to present the work previously overdue, on the next lab.

You will find a pdf file, enumerating all the kind of analysis to present in section Lab (Project review form).

There is no change on the work schedule, and so you need also to present clustering and feature extraction results.

Lab grades

9 novembro 2020, 19:38 Cláudia Antunes

The grades for the first four labs were publish in the Grades section.

As agreed, the grades only reflect the work planned in the beginning of the semester.

The same applies to all the labs before the project delivery.

Tomorow lesson - no video (lesson starts at 12:40)

4 novembro 2020, 20:58 Cláudia Antunes

There is an error on the planning for tomorrow lesson. We are not going to see regression tomorrow.

Instead, we are going to make two  distinct things:
- to finish classification task on the Deloitte case study
- to solve and discuss exercises for all topics already covered (kdd process + data profiling + data preparation + classification (excluding boosting)).

Additionally, I will try to discuss and clarify the terms of labs evaluation, hopely solving the misunderstanding and reviewing our grade criteria.

Técnico authentication

19 outubro 2020, 11:09 Cláudia Antunes

In order to attend  our classes through  zoom,  students have  to be authenticated through Técnico credentials.