Época Especial
18 fevereiro 2020, 12:22 • Cláudia Antunes
Students who have the right to make the exam in July have to register to it as usual through Secretaria.
The final grade is the same as before, including the exam and the project.
The exam will cover all the topics as previously, and students are not allowed to use any supporting tools, including calculators or formulas. It is scheduled to September 1st, to start at 8 o'clock and has a duration of 2 hours (hour to be confirmed).
The project follows the 'same' description, but with two new datasets. The datasets are published in Project section and its final report has to be submitted by September 7th.
Students are encouraged to work in groups of 3 students, but individual or groups of 2 are also allowed. If you need help on finding teammates let us know. In order to deliver the report you need to have to enrol your group (even if you are working alone), as usual.
Students that had the minimum grade on the project, only need to do the exam, and vice-versa.
NEW: Students without group can use the Forum to find colleagues.