
Época Especial Exam

18 julho 2019, 10:53 Cláudia Antunes

The exam for Época Especial will be tomorrow (friday 19th), as published by the central services, at 8 o'clock in the morning only at Alameda (with the accordance of MEIC-T students enrolled).

Students should go to Pav Informática II, office 1.
The results would be announced also tomorrow and the revision would be done either in person at the same day or remotely.

Época Especial Project

20 junho 2019, 12:33 Cláudia Antunes

Project description are available on section Project.

Projects for 'Época Especial' should be made in groups of 2, 3 or 4 students, but individual projects will be allowed. Students are responsible to create their groups. Groups have to register through Fénix until the exam date (deadline July 19th).

Data scientists @ Técnico

9 fevereiro 2019, 20:09 Rui Henriques

[note aside from the course contents]
Embracing the suggestion of our colleague João Ramos,
We confirm the intention to hold future gatherings - in a cooperative, safe and informal environment - to jointly address data mining challenges, with an initial focus on Kaggle competitions. We extend this invitation to everyone.
If this initiative catches your interest, please register and follow the provisory forum created for this purpose.

Final grades

7 fevereiro 2019, 13:33 Cláudia Antunes

The final grades are available at sectionEvaluation. Please confirm that everything is correct. Let us know if you find any error.

The grades will be submitted next Wednesday at noon.

Exam review

1 fevereiro 2019, 16:38 Cláudia Antunes

Revisão de provas (exam review) is scheduled for next Monday (February 4th) at 11:30 @office 1 Informatica II building (Alameda) and for Tuesday (February 5th) at 14:00 @office 2N3.15 (Tagus). 
Only written complaints will be accepted, except the identification of any mistake (any lack answer, for example) from our side.

Students should validate that we considered all answers given, looking at the exam grades available in section Material Support.