Welcome to CCU - read this now!
5 novembro 2023, 16:24 • Nuno Jardim Nunes
User-centred Computing and Evaluation focuses on the users and their needs in each phase of the design and development process.
In this course:
you will learn user-centred design methods and how to select and apply them to an open-ended project.
you will learn how to conduct user studies on how to observe people and synthesize the user research into meaningful insights that inform design alternatives and drive development.
you will learn to design low and high-fidelity prototypes and how to evaluate them.
you will get familiar with design critiques and learn how to communicate your design and development decisions to others.
you will work in teams as close to the real world as possible.
PLEASE READ: The course has been redesigned this year, so be aware that information (evaluation methods, topics, slides, project, etc.) from previous years is no longer relevant.
This year we are using Notion to consolidate all class materials. Fenix will only be used for formal notifications. Make sure you check the Notion page and check for updates (we are currently adding content).
As a general discussion tool, we will use Discord, where you can post your questions and meet up with new colleagues.
Address your issue to the lan instructor you’re enrolled and if the issue requires input from the principal lecturer, the Lab instructor will forward it to Prof. Nuno Nunes.
IF YOU ARE READING THIS IN THE FIRST WEEK: Fenix does not warn us about the existence of new students or enrollments in progress, so if you are planning to take the class or are recently enrolled, please contact the lab instructor. A surge of new students can change how labs/teams are structured, so we need to keep track of the number of students.
There are 4 lecture classes (on Monday and Wednesday). Class topics on Monday and Wednesday are repeated, meaning that you must attend only one slot on Monday and one slot on Wednesday.
There are currently 6 effective lab classes; there will be one less week for project work so you need to start on day 0.
Due to the seven week course format, bank holidays and Christmas break, some theory and lab classes will be affected. We have planned for this in the course schedule.
Lecture Classes
These classes comprise topic presentations (with slides) and a practical exercise. The exercise uses already prepared data or data that can be made on the spot; it is not graded and is just meant for you to practice applying user-centered techniques.
In some exceptions (due to bank holidays, instructor unavailability, etc.), theory classes can be used as studio time, guest lecturers, etc. In those classes, there is no practical exercise.
Lab Classes
Lab classes have two activities going on simultaneously:
Foreground activity is when the team has time with the lab instructor to discuss their project. The instructor splits the lab time according to the number of teams.
Background activity is when the team applies techniques taught in theory classes to their project in class. The idea is to replicate the exercises discussed in theory but with the data from their project. This could include conducting wizard of oz testing using colleagues, creating personas/models, etc.
Given the current number of students, we expect each lab class to accommodate 20 students, corresponding to 4/5 teams.
Evaluation for this class is composed by:
20% Labs Assessments (3 evaluations Lab 2, 4 and 6)
40% Final Presentation
40% Final Report
Grades are based on the project, so all team members receive the same grade.
Each team is responsible for how they work and distributing the workload among team members.
More information and evaluation criteria for each component will be available next Friday.
Project Brief
The full brief (including specific design concerns) is available here.
Here is a summary of the project objective:
“The challenge for this year will be centered around financial wellbeing and personal finance management, sponsored by Santander Foundation.
Financial wellbeing is when a person or organization can smoothly manage its current financial obligations and have confidence in its financial future. This includes four elements:
Day-to-day – smooth short-term finances to meet short-term needs
Resilience – absorb financial shocks
Goals – reach future goals
Confidence – feel secure and in control of finances”
The full project brief contains a set of target users and financial tasks/concerns for teams to choose. Over the six weeks, teams will expand their brief using user-centered methods.
Due to the seven-week format, teams are expected to start working from the first theory class. Teams should ideally be formed before classes start to get the most out of the first week of classes. However, team forming is never simple due to students who enrol late or drop out. Additionally, due to the open brief, some students will diverge in their interests for the project.
After releasing the full brief, we will try to facilitate the process by providing spreadsheets for signing up and discord channels for finding members. Teams need to be made of students who are in the same lab.
More news is coming this week.
Nuno Nunes