Welcome to CCU - Notion Link and Group Formation
10 novembro 2023, 09:37 • Nuno Jardim Nunes
Dear students,
- You can find the Notion link for the course here - https://nunojnunes.notion.site/User-Centered-Design-and-Evaluation-468045bd08544b998e5de02c76981751.Please be aware that future content (i.e., class description and slides) might change as we progress through the course. Always try to get the most recent version.
- Also, to facilitate group formation, we have created a Padlet here - https://padlet.com/nunojnunes/ccu-lab-and-group-bystd659cffp9lso. Go into your Lab slot and make sure you enter your group with the student name and number and if you already know the roles they will have. If you don't have a group, I suggest you go to Discord and talk to your colleagues.
You NEED to have a group by Monday and also read the brief.