

23 setembro 2013, 10:30 José Félix Costa

Identification by computable and non-computable scientists.

Identification of sets and functions relative to given texts.

Identification of sets and functions.

Identification of classes of sets and sets of functions.



Identification of AEZ, collection of functions that take value 0 almost everywhere.

Identification of the class {L \cup D: D is a finite set}, where L is a r.e. set.

Identification od the class {N - S_i: i \in N}, knowing that {S_i: i \in N} is a class of recursive, nonempty, pairwise disjoint sets.


Theorem of total computable scientists (that the partial computable scientists can always be totalized in the task of identification, so that they may output hypotheses in any case).


PROBLEM SET 1 (due to Friday 27)


Concept of scientist

20 setembro 2013, 14:30 José Félix Costa

Inductive inference in the sciences.

Concept of a scientist, of a text for a set or for a function, of convergence of a scientist to an hypothesis or conjecture. Identification of a set or of a function.



16 setembro 2013, 10:30 José Félix Costa

Identification of program and objectives.