
Project presentations and discussions

29 maio 2024, 08:00 Maria do Rosário De Oliveira Silva

Project presentations and discussions.

Cap 6

22 maio 2024, 08:00 Maria do Rosário De Oliveira Silva

Survival function, hazard and cumulative hazard function. Parametric estimation of the model with both types of censuring. Kappler Meyer (KM) estimator, CI for the KM curve, the Greenwood’s formula.

Ch 5 and 6

15 maio 2024, 08:00 Maria do Rosário De Oliveira Silva

Assessing the Fit of the Model. Measures of goodness-of-fit. Diagnostic in Logistic regression

Ch 4 and 5

9 maio 2024, 14:30 Maria do Rosário De Oliveira Silva

Continuation of the exercises from the previous class.

Ch5: 5.1.

Ch 5 - Logistic regression

8 maio 2024, 08:00 Maria do Rosário De Oliveira Silva

Introduction. Simple Logistic regression. Multiple Logistic Regression. Interpretation of the fitted values and regression coefficients. Fitting the Logistic regression model. Asymptotic CI for g(.).