
Class 7

18 novembro 2020, 10:00 Frederico Castelo Ferreira

Value preposition. Developing the value preposition for new products. Competitive advantage and strategies to communicate it. Innovation concepts. Why innovation fails? Validation. Example of value preposition. Team Time and Feedback. Class delivered at October 14th. Contact time 2h.

Class 6 (aula online)

17 novembro 2020, 14:00 Nuno Faria

Industrial Landscape Presentation.

Team Time

17 novembro 2020, 10:00 Frederico Castelo Ferreira

Team Time

Team time (aula online)

16 novembro 2020, 14:00 Nuno Faria

Team time

Class 5 (aula online)

16 novembro 2020, 10:00 Frederico Castelo Ferreira

Primary and secondary Information. Preparing interviews. Interview skills and interview logs. Stakeholders. Ideation and product definition to market analysis. Handling questions. Team Time and Feedback. Class delivered at October 7th. Contact time 2h.