
Final course grades

19 fevereiro 2017, 15:16 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

The final course grades after the 2nd Exam revision can be found at section grades.

Exam 2 and Final Grades

12 fevereiro 2017, 19:43 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

Exam 2 and Final Grades are now available at section Grades.

Students can see the 2nd exam next Wednesday 15th at 6 pm, office hour room.

Naive Bayes - additional slides

30 janeiro 2017, 21:57 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

Additional slides have be made available at section "Course pdfs".

Naive Bayes - additional slides

30 janeiro 2017, 21:57 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

Additional slides have be made available at section "Course pdfs".

2nd Exam registration

28 janeiro 2017, 18:19 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

The  2nd Exam will take place on the 2nd February 2017.
Student MUST register for this evaluation. Registration will be opened till 11am 01/01/2017.

The office-hour will take place on the 31st January at 15h30, office hour room.