Students the practical classes from the Molecular Biotechnology course will start next week.

 Below you will find a set of files containing the documents you need for practical work number 1. The work will occur at LTI (South Tower, 5th floor). Each group will be assigned a computer and once you arrive the room please feel free to log in in an available computer. Specially students starting classes at 8 am are advised to go ahead with the log in process. I can only be in the classroom around 8:10 and therefore it is important that you start the process to avoid delaying the class. 

Example DNA sequence
Enzyme activity in oligonucleotide sequences
Practical work 1

Besides this in silico lab, we will also perform a PCR amplification in the laboratory (South Tower, 6th floor). The experimental protocol is also available below. 

Practical work 3A

See you next week, 
Nuno P Mira

Students of the doctoral Program the DNA sequence that you must use to answer the questions proposed on the first written report is the following