
Lab #6 Unsupervised/Supervised Learning

23 novembro 2015, 14:00 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

This laboratory will use the data from the article “Distinct types of diffuse large B-cell

lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling”, by Alizade et. Al., NATURE, VOL 403,

n. 3, 503-511, 2000, available at

From the diverse datasets available, select the reduced database, with 45 instances of

4026 genes each, in format ARFF (Reduced database (45 instances x 4026 genes) in

ARFF format, with two labelled classes (Germinal Centre, GCL, and Activated, ACL)


Program the K-Means algorithm

Use the Weka package to run: K-Mean; J48; Naive Bayes, NN

This work will take 2 weeks.


23 novembro 2015, 12:30 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas


Cheng and Church algorithm

Lab 5 - Molecular phylogenetics

17 novembro 2015, 17:00 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

 Hierarchical clustering: UPGMA, single linkage, complete linkage. Neighbour joining method. Maximum parsimony method. 

Molecular Phylogenetics

17 novembro 2015, 12:30 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

Hierarchical clustering: UPGMA, single linkage, complete linkage. Neighbour joining method. Maximum parsimony method. 

Lab 5 - Molecular phylogenetics

17 novembro 2015, 09:30 Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

 Hierarchical clustering: UPGMA, single linkage, complete linkage. Neighbour joining method. Maximum parsimony method.