
Class Not teached

27 outubro 2009, 17:00 Sara Madeira

Due to a course plan update, assessment 3 starts next week. There is an extraordinary class already scheduled on December (see Section "Extra Classes").

Motif Finding

27 outubro 2009, 12:30 Sara Madeira

Finding Regulatory Motifs in DNA Sequences
- Motif Finding Problem: Brute Force Algorithm (Search Trees and Branch-and-Bound).
- Motif Finding Problem: Greedy approach.
- Motif Finding Problem: EM and Gibbs Sampling approaches.

Class Not teached

27 outubro 2009, 09:30 Sara Madeira

Due to a course plan update, assessment 3 starts next week. There is an extraordinary class already scheduled on December (see Section "Extra Classes").

Class Not teached

26 outubro 2009, 14:00 Sara Madeira

Due to a course plan update, assessment 3 starts next week. There is an extraordinary class already scheduled on December (see Section "Extra Classes").

Motif Finding

26 outubro 2009, 12:30 Sara Madeira

Finding Regulatory Motifs in DNA Sequences
- Background: Central Dogma in Molecular Biology. Transcription factor binding sites (TFBS). Gene Regulation.
- Motif Logo.
- Finding Motifs: Goals and problems.
- Motifs, profiles and consensus.
- Scoring motifs.
- Motif Finding Problem: Brute Force Algorithm (maximizing score vs minimizing distances).